Donate to Rethink Charity’s Projects

Donations to Rethink Charity are tax-deductible in Canada, Germany, Switzerland, the UK, and the US.

Select the country you are a tax-resident of:

United States

United Kingdom


Germany or Switzerland

All other countries

More ways to support us

Donate from the United States

We accept donations via PayPal, Zelle, Wire Transfer, Check, and Donor-Advised Fund:

  1. PayPal Funds (for one-off donations only): Donate via Rethink Charity's PayPal Giving Fund page.

  2. Zelle: Send your donation to [email protected].

  3. Wire TransferContact us for wire transfer information.

  4. Check: Please make the check out to "Rethink Charity" and send it to:

    Rethink Charity

    1321 Upland Dr. PMB 17020

    Houston, TX 77043

  5. Donor-Advised Fund: Search “Rethink Charity” or our tax ID number (82-5325150) in your Donor-Advised Fund account. Clients of Fidelity Charitable, Schwab Charitable, and BNY Mellon can use DAF Direct for a streamlined donation process with no extra fees.

If you would like your donation restricted to a particular project, please click the button below:

Donate from the United Kingdom

UK Tax Residents can donate through the EA Funds Donation Portal.

To donate through the EA Funds portal:

  1. Sign up or login to the EA Funds site.

  2. Once you have logged in, click "Looks Good". You will then be directed to a donation page.

  3. Check the Gift Aid box to receive a receipt for your donation.

If you would like your donation restricted to a particular project, please click the button below:

Donate from Canada

Canadian tax residents can donate to RC Forward’s operations directly at

To support a wide range of high-impact charities, Canadian tax residents can explore to see all featured funds and charities and easily donate.

Donate from Germany or Switzerland

Tax-deductible donations of $10,000 USD or more can be made through the Effective Altruism Foundation (EAF). To arrange your donation, email EAF on [email protected].

If you are donating less than $10,000 USD, your donation is not tax-deductible. Follow the instructions under “Donate from Other Countries” below.

If you would like your donation restricted to a particular project, please click the button below:

Donate from Other Countries

Other countries can donate in US Dollars through the EA Funds Donation Portal.

To donate through the EA Funds portal:

  1. Sign up or login to the EA Funds site.

  2. Once you have logged in, click "Looks Good". This will lead to a donation page.

If you would like your donation restricted to a particular project, please click the button below:

More ways to support us

Rethink Charity is a registered charity with Amazon Smile and Givevia. When you shop through Amazon Smile or GiveVia, a portion of your purchase goes directly to supporting Rethink Charity. Select Rethink Charity as your preferred Amazon Smile charity here, and add Rethink Charity to your list of preferred charities on GiveVia here.